Defeating Self-Sabotage
I’ve always started an idea out strong. I have everything figured out to the last detail. I start off with great energy and commitment, but as everyone knows…things don’t go as planned. For example, I always am able to get down to 185, but I have yet to see 184 since I have started my journey. There will be many of those numbers that I will see over this year. Whenever this happens, I am tired that the energy, effort, and planning don’t equal instant success. Here are a few things I am learning to combat self-sabotage. 1. Make short-term sacrifices for long term goals. I LOVE FOOD. I love to cook. I find it relaxing and I have an active social life, including date nights with my husband, and that includes a lot of eating out. I’ve decided that I can put aside my culinary skills for a short time to break that number and follow a meal plan that has been se...